Diamond Hair Oil

Diamond Gold

Diamond Green

Diamond Pumpkin

Diamond Kids

Diamond Gold
Diamond Gold Hair Oil
(To treat scalp problems that cause hair loss and brittleness, as well as
prevent the formation of dandruff, and thus you get healthy hair from roots to
Diamond Gold oil contains the extract of 8 natural oils in scientifically calculated proportions to get the best results. Coconut oil treats hair loss and damage , Lavender oil works as an anti-bacterial, thus treating the problem of dandruff and lice growth, the presence of jojoba oil rich in Omega 9,6 to protect against infection while Olive oil , Wheat germ and Almond extracts prevent hair loss , brittleness and protect the hair from infections. It also forms a layer to protect the hair from the sun’s rays, Rosemary and Sesame oil moisturize the hair and treat the problem of curly hair.
Diamond Green
Diamond Green Hair Oil stimulate Hair growth and Thickness
Diamond Green Hair Oil contains an extract of 8 oils extracted from green plants that grow in forests. It contains Neem oil, which stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp, thus helping to grow hair and treat baldness. Watercress oil is rich in vitamin A, castor and olive Oil, which help in hair growth . Peppermint oil also stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp , prevents hair loss and dandruff with the help of Mink oil, while Black seed oil, which contains antihistamines, treats alopecia and protects hair from damage. Avocado oil moisturizes the hair and protects it from damage and breakage. .

Diamond Pumpkin
Diamond Pumpkin Oil
Diamond Pumpkin Hair Oil for long and strong hair from roots to ends
DDiamond pumpkin oil contains a carefully prepared formula , extracts of 8 oils o, Mainly Pumpkin oil, which helps to prolong hair and stimulate hair growth, in addition to Chamomile and Almond oil, which contain magnesium, thus stimulating hair growth , working to prolong hair and treat scalp infections. Olive and Jasmine Oil work to nourish, moisturizing hair and preventing dandruff. Ginseng oil also activates the scalp, and Rosemary oil protects hair from breakage and intensifies it. Henna oil controls the secretion of fat and thus solves the problem of greasy hair, as well as strengthening and nourishing hair follicles.. .
About Us
Masia cosmetics Manufacturing group of hair care products that contain natural ingredients with certain percentage to overcome most of hair issues for adult and children